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Weight Loss Therapy

How Weight Loss Works - Fat Percentage Categories

How Weight Loss Works – Fat Percentage CategoriesIf you ever struggled with weight loss issues, this article will clarify  what other  sources may have never explained to you .

People generally confuse  weight loss with fat loss. These two terms do not have the same meaning as you will understand from this article, even if  people generally have in mind fat loss when they say they want to lose weight. The distinction between the two terms is very important. We will shed more light on this topic later in this article. So please keep this point in mind, at least throughout this article.

Do you know what is your fat percentage, or at least the term  fat percentage means? If you do not, do not worry as more than 99 percent of the population do not know either.  Before we define the fat percentage and its implications on your look and feel, please understand that the human body is divided in two types of masses: The fat mass (similar to the fat one would see say in piece of  chicken) and the rest of the body mass ( such as muscles and organs) which is called the  lean mass. The sum of the weight of a human body is then the sum of the weight of the fat mass in the body, and the weight of the lean mass of your body.

Let us consider an example. Let us assume  a female who weighs 130 pounds, and has 30 pounds of  those 130 pounds as fat. The lean mass is then 100 pounds.  Her fat percentage is the number 100 multiplied by 30 pounds divided by the total weight of her body which is 130.

This result in a 23% fat percentage. If you happen to know your fat percentage you are way ahead of anyone else. If you do not, we will show you how you can find out or you can ask us to determine it for you and teach you how to do it on your own.

Is a 23% fat percentage good, bad or ugly? The information in the table  answers that question for us. As you can see in the female column, a female with a 23% fat percentage is actually in the top of the range of  the average category and the bottom of the range of  the fit category, which is a good number.

In order for one to know in which category one belongs, one would need to know one’s fat percentage. How would one be able obtain it? One way to find out is  by reading the how-to instructions in  our newsletter, or by meeting with one of our weight loss therapists during a free consultation.

Now let us assume that the above  female wants to lose weight to look like an athlete female. The first thing one would need to pay attention to is that the female should not lose from her lean mass while losing from her  fat mass, as the lean mass helps in achieving her goal faster. Furthermore, it is healthier not to lose the lean mass as it constitutes  the good part of the human body.

If the hypothetical female discussed above wants to achieve 16% fat percentage — and therefore look as lean as a top fit athlete, she could  keep her lean mass at 100 pounds, and reduces her fat mass from 30 pounds to 20 pounds (for a net weight loss of 10 pounds). Her fat percentage will then be  100 times (20 pounds of fat mass  divided by  her new total weight of 120 pounds, which is 16%.

One should note that one does not need to go to a gym to achieve 16% of fat percent. Before we explain how fat loss is done, let us discuss what people would typically do in their pursuit of weight loss:  they would lose weight from the lean mass,  which typically happens  if people eat less than needed to maintain their lean mass.  For example, it the  female case discussed above  lost her 10 pounds from the lean mass, the new lean mass would  be  90 pounds only, and her  fat percentage would rise instead of following. Such person would be shocked about the result, and would look thinner but fatter rather than slimmer. The reason is that her fat mass is still weighting 30 pounds, and is now larger in percentage of her total weight because the total weight has decrease as a result of the decrease of her lean mass — 30 pounds of  fat mass divided by the new weight  of 120 pounds  is larger than the 30 pounds of fat divided by 130 pounds of the initial weight.  Such female  would be shocked about her looks even if she knows  she lost in total weight, and would probably stop her weight loss  program and even correctly conclude that her weight loss program does not work. What was incorrect was the  assumption that weight loss is synonym with fat loss when in fact it is not, and that the lean mass would not be negatively affected by the weight loss program.

So how to lose fat while decreasing the net total weight and keeping the same lean mass. Note that increasing the lean mass is even better but it is much much harder to do if  one also wants to simultaneously lose  fat.

To maintain lean mass, one would need to intake in 24 hours a minimum  amount of calories equal to 14 times the  weight of the  lean mass measured  in pounds. For instance, the female discussed above would need around 1400 Calories per 24 hours. In addition,  30% of such calories would need to be from proteins as the lean mass if made from proteins. This would translates to 450/4 grams of proteins (which corresponds to about 100 grams of proteins in the diet).

Now that we know how to maintain lean mass, let us discuss how to lose fat. To understand it, one first needs to understand that  fat is the body’s mean to store any excess of energy–  Fat is in fact an efficient form to store energy.

Fat is essential to have in the body. In fact, after certain hours of sleep during the night when human sleeps are not eating the body consumes stored fat to derive calories from it. One could think of stored fat as a food the body stores in reserves to use when one is sleeping, fasting or is ill and cannot temporarily  eat.

The  energy requirement of the body per a24 hours period is 14 times the lean mass which is the energy it needs to keep itself, and any other  energy needed to perform the other activities such as showering, walking etc. Typical The typical daily activities would require around 200 Calories. The other calories depend on the duration and nature of activity. For instance 14 hours of walking of a person of weight 130 pounds would need around 3500 Calories.

Any excess of energy is stored in in form of fat, and any deficit is drawn from the fat stored in the body. How much energy would one pound of fat in the body release?  The answer is around 3500 Calories.

Therefore, a  130 person pounds would need to walk 14 hours in order to create a deficit of 3500 Calories and burn one pound of fat. If one walks say two hours daily, one would spend around 500 calories for that activity.

Therefore if one were to eat what one would needs to meet her maintenance of one’s lean mass, and walk long enough to have a net deficit of 500 Calories per day, then one would lose 1 pound of fat each week, which would be an excellence performance.  In the female example in this article, she would then lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. However, this may be too optimistic as one would need find time to walk 2 hours daily, and to have an absolute rigor for a daily routine of walking 2 hours everyday.  A more reasonable objective would be something like 1 pound of fat in 2 weeks, which would result to a loss of 10 pounds of fat  in 5 months.

If  one has achieved the objective, one would still need to know how to balance the calories  to keep the fat percentage steady. If one  eats a desert worth 500 calories  once a week on average and planned to walk around 2 hours to get rid of the energy-equivalent of those calories, on balance the fat amount  stored in the body would remain constant.  Notice that if  one were to lose some lean muscle, one would need to either bring back the lean muscle to its original higher level or lower the amount of fat in the body to keep the fat percentage at the level one wants it to be at.

Notice that in the discussion in this article,  the source of the calories has no bearing on fat loss or fat gain. In fact fats, proteins and carbs do not dictate whether one gains or loses fat, but are primary considerations  with regard to the medical condition and  health situation of a person.  So those who may believe that eating more or less fat  would make them more or less fatter may not have a full grasp of how fat gain and loss works.

The battle with fat loss is not over, unless one understands the emotion parts related to eating. Hypnosis is ideal for this when coupled with a deep and correct understanding of the issues discussed about and with the development of plan that integrates diet, objectives, and the knowledge of how to count and measure progress. One would then be able to achieve any fat percentage objective in a realistic and measurable time frame.


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